Orc ID: 0000-0002-5393-6115
Researcher ID: AAO-5734-2020
Scopus ID: 7005391861
AD Scientific Index ID: 60193
Yoksis Researcher ID: 8883
Citation Indices (current as of 10 February 2025)
Last 5 Years
Citations |
6619 |
2213 |
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39 |
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i10 index |
65 |
44 |
Citations of top 3 articles |
875, 850, 650
SCI & SCIE Articles
- Dastouri M, Ozdag H, Akar AR, Can A, Differentiation and molecular characterization of endothelial progenitor and vascular smooth muscle cells from induced pluripotent stem cells. Bioimpacts 13(4): 289-300, 2023.
- Doğan C, Güney G, Güzel KK, Can A, Hegedus DD, Toprak U. What you eat matters: Nutrient inputs alter the metabolism and neuropeptide expression in egyptian cotton leaf worm, Spodoptera littoralis (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae). Frontiers in Physiology, 04 November 2021, https://doi.org/10.3389/fphys.2021.773688.
- Aras-Tosun D, Cakar Z, Can, A, Ozkavukcu S, Kaplanoglu, I, Cinar O. Phospholipase C-zeta levels are not correlated with fertilisation rates in infertile couples. Andrologia, 00, e14269. https://doi.org/10.1111/and.14269, 2021.
- Uysal F, Cinar O, Can A. Knockdown of Dnmt1 and Dnmt3a gene expression disrupts preimplantation embryo development through global DNA methylation. Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics. 38: pages3135–3144, 2021.
- Ulus AT, Mungan C, Kurtoglu M, Celikkan FT, Akyol M, Sucu M, Toru M, Gul SS, Cinar O, Can A. Intramyocardial transplantation of umbilical cord mesenchymal stromal cells in chronic ischemic cardiomyopathy: A controlled, randomized clinical trial (HUC-HEART Trial). International Journal of Stem Cells. 13: 364-376, 2020.
- Can A, Coskun H. The rationale of using mesenchymal stem cells in patients with COVID-19-related acute respiratory distress syndrome. What to expect. Stem Cells Translational Medicine. 9: 1287-1302, 2020.
- Yigman Z, Ozdemir ED, Turan NN, Ulus AT, Can A. Umbilical cord mesenchymal stromal cells engraft and transdifferentiate into cardiomyocyte-like cells following acute myocardial ischemia. Acta Histochemica 122; 151578, 2020.
- Celikkan FT, Mungan C, Sucu M, Uysal F, Hayme SK, Kuscu N, Ozkavukcu S, Ozenci-Celik and Can A. PFA is superior to glyoxal in preserving oocyte, embryo and stem cell proteins evidenced by super-resolution microscopical surveys of epitopes. Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics, 37: 369-384, 2020.
- Alarcon-Martinez L, Yılmaz-Ozcan S, Yemisci M, Schallek J, Kılıç K, Villafranca-Baughman D, Can A, Di Polo A, Dalkara T. Retinal ischemia induces α-SMA-mediated capillary pericyte contraction coincident with perivascular glycogen depletion. Acta Neutopathol Commun 20: 134-155, 2019.
- Celikkan FT, Mungan C, Sucu M, Ulus AT, Cinar O, Ili EG, Can A. Optimizing the transport and storage conditions of current Good Manufacturing Practice-grade human umbilical cord mesenchymal stromal cells for transplantation (HUC-HEART Trial). Cytotherapy 21: 64-75, 2019.
- Dehghani A, Karatas H, Can A, Erdemli E, Yemisci M, Eren-Kocak E, Dalkara T. Nuclear expansin and pore opening are instant signs of neuronal hypoxia and can identify poorly fixed brains. Scientific Reports 8. 14770, 2018.
- Alarcon-Martinez L, Yilmaz-Sinem O, Yemisci M, Schallek J, Kılıç K, Can A, Di Polo A, Dalkara T. Capillary pericytes express α-smooth muscle actin, which requires prevention of filamentous-actin depolymerization for detection. eLIFE 2018;7: e34861.
- Celik S, Celikkan FT, Ozkavukcu S, Can A, Celik-Ozenci C. Expression of inhibitor proteins that control primordial follicle reserve decreases in cryopreserved ovaries after autotransplantation. Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics 35: 615-626, 2018.
- Kilic K, Karatas H, Donmez-Demir B, Eren-Kocak E, Gursoy-Ozdemir Y, Can A, Petit J-M, Magistretti PJ, Dalkara T. Inadequate brain glycogen or sleep increases spreading depression susceptibility. Annals of Neurology 83: 61-73, 2018.
- Can A, Celikkan FT, Cinar O. Umbilical cord mesenchymal stromal cell transplantations: A systemic analysis of clinical trials. Cytotherapy 19:1351-1382, 2017.
- Colpak AI, Balci-Peynircioglu B, Can A, Gursoy-Ozdemir Y, Lule S, Kalyoncu U, Dalkara T. Data of indirect immunofluorescence labeling of the mouse brain sections with sera from SLE and MS patients. Data in Brief 15: 170-173, 2017.
- Yilmazer Aktuna A, Taheri H, Can A. Efficient transduction of melanoma cells with Sendai viral vectors. Turk Hij Den Biyol Derg. 74: 113-120, 2017.
- Lule S, Colpak AI, Balci-Peynircioglu B, Gursoy-Ozdemir Y, Peker S, Kalyoncu U, Can A, Tekin N, Demiralp D, Dalkara T. Behçet Disease serum is immunoreactive to neurofilament medium which share common epitopes to bacterial HSP-65, a putative trigger. J Autoimmunity 84:87-96, 2017.
- Aras D, Cakar Z, Ozkavukcu S, Can A, Cinar O. In vitro acrylamide exposure may cause severe toxicity to mouse oocytes through its metabolite glycidamide. Plos One 12: e0172026, 2017.
Book Chapter
- Yigman Z, Can A. Human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cell applications contributing to the progression of ischemic cardiomyopathy in animal models. Turkish Journal of Biochemistry 41: Supp. 4: 31-35, 2016.
- Cakar Z, Cetinkaya B, Aras D, Koca B, Ozkavukcu S, Kaplanoglu I, Can A, Cinar O. Does combining magnetic-activated cell sorting with density gradient or swim-up improve sperm selection. Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics 33: 1059-1065, 2016.
- Aras D, Cinar O, Cakar Z, Ozkavukcu S, Can A. Can dicoumarol be used as a gonad-safe anticancer agent: an in vitro and in vivo experimental study. Molecular Human Reproduction 22: 57-67, 2016.
- Karadas-Bakirhan N, Patris S, Ozkan SA, Can A, Kauffmann J-M. Determination of the anticancer drug sorafenib in serum by adsorptive stripping differential pulse voltammetry using a chitosan/multiwall carbon nanotube modified glassy carbon electrode. Electroanalysis 28: 385-365, 2016.
- Can A, AT Ulus, Cinar O, Celikkan FT, Simsek E, Akyol M, Canpolat U, Erturk M, Kara F, Ilhan O. Human umbilical cord mesenchymal stromal cell transplantation in myocardial ischemia (HUC-HEART Trial). A study protocol of a phase 1/2, controlled and randomized trial in combination with coronary artery bypass grafting. Stem Cell Reviews and Reports 11: 752-760, 2015.
- Cinar O, Semiz O, Can A. Carbofuran alters centrosome and spindle organization, and delays cell division in oocytes and mitotic cells. Toxicological Sciences 144: 298-306, 2015.
- Coskun H, Can A. The assessment of the in vivo to in vitro cellular transition of human umbilical cord multipotent stromal cells, Placenta 36: 232-239, 2015.
- Sozen B, Can A, Demir N. Cell fate regulation during preimplantation development. A view of adhesion-linked molecular interactions. Developmental Biology 395: 73-83, 2014.
- Korhan P, Erdal E, Kandemiş E, Çokaklı M, Nart D, Yılmaz F, Can A, Atabey N. Reciprocal activating crosstalk between c-Met and caveolin 1 promotes invasive phenotype in hepatocellular carcinoma. PLoS ONE 9: e105278, 2014.
- Can A. Hair follicle stem cells and intrafollicular hemeostasis. Turkderm 48; Supplement 1: 6-9, 2014.
- Kılıç A, Oğuz D, Can A, Akıl H, Gürbüz Köz O. A case of uncombable hair syndrome: light microscopy, trichoscopy and scanning electron microscopy. Acta Dermatovenerol Croat 21: 209-211, 2013.
- Kurbanoglu S, Dogan-Topal B, Uslu B, Can A, Ozkan SA. Electrochemical investigations of the anticancer drug idarubicin using multiwalled carbon nanotubes modified glassy carbon and pyrolytic graphite electrodes. Electroanalysis 25: 1473-1482, 2013.
- Karadas N, Sanli S, Yalcin B, Dogan-Topal B, Can A, Ozkan SA, Analytical application of polymethylene blue-multiwalled carbon nanotubes modified glassy carbon electrode on anticancer drug irinotecan and determination of its ionization constant value. Talanta 115: 911-919, 2013.
- Avcı S, Sancak C, Can A, Acar A, Pinar NM. Pollen morphology of the genus Onobrychis (Fabaceae) in Turkey. Turkish Journal of Botany 37: 669-681, 2013.
- Mender I, Senturk S, Ozgunes N, Akcali KC, Kletsas D, Gryaznov S, Can A, Shay JW, Dikmen ZG. Imetelstat (a telomerase antagonist) exerts off‑target effects on the cytoskeleton. International Journal of Oncology 42:1709-15, 2013.
- Balci D, Can A. The assessment of cryopreservation conditions for human umbilical cord stroma-derived stem cells towards a potential use for stem cell banking. Current Stem Cell Research & Therapy 8: 60-72, 2013.
Book Chapter
- Can A, Dastouri MR. Endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) and their function in physiological states. In “Endothelium. Molecular Aspects of Metabolic Disorders”. Engin AS, Engin A (eds.), CRC Press, pp 136-150, 2013.
- Durdu D, Deniz GC, Balcı D, Zaim C, Dogan A, Can A, Akcali KC, Akar AR. Apoptotic vascular smooth muscle cell depletion via Bcl2 family of proteins in human ascending aortic aneurysm and dissection. Cardiovascular Therapy 30: 308-16, 2012.
- Celebi N, Yetkin G, Özer C, Can A, Gökcora N. Evaluation of microemulsion and liposomes as carriers for oral delivery of transforming growth factor alpha in rats. Journal of Microencapsulation 29: 539-48, 2012.
- Cinar O, Kara F, Can A. Potential role of decidual apoptosis in the pathogenesis of miscarriages. Gynecological Endocrinology 28: 382-385, 2012.
Book Chapter
- Can A. Searching for in vivo traces of mesenchymal stem cells and their ancestors. In “Adult and Embryonic Stem Cells”. Turksen K (ed.), Humana Press, pp 11-24, 2012.
- Can A, Balci B. Isolation, Culture, and Characterization of Human Umbilical Cord Stroma-derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells. Methods in Molecular Biology 698:51-62, 2011.
- Yildirim S, Can A, Arican M, Embree MC, Mao JJ. Characterization of dental pulp defect and repair in a canine model. American Journal of Dentistry 24:331-335, 2011.
- Oktar PA, Yildirim S, Balci D, Can A. Continual expression throughout the cell cycle and downregulation upon adipogenic differentiation makes nucleostemin a vital human MSC proliferation marker. Stem Cell Reviews and Reports 7: 413-424, 2011.
- Unal-Cevik I, Gursoy-Ozdemir Y, Yemisci M, Lule S, Gurer G, Can A, Müller V, Kahle PJ, Dalkara T. Alpha-synuclein aggregation induced by brief ischemia negatively impacts neuronal survival in vivo: a study in [A30P] alpha-synuclein transgenic mouse. Journal of Cerebral Blood Flow and Metabolism 31: 913-923, 2011.
Book Chapter
- Can A, Balci B. Isolation, culture, and characterization of human umbilical cord stroma-derived mesenchymal stem cells. In "Mesenchymal Stem Cell Assays and Applications", Vemuri, Chase, Mahendra (eds), 1st Ed., Humana Press, 2011.
- Kocaefe C, Balcı D, Balcı Hayta B, Can A. Reprogramming of human umbilical cord stromal mesenchymal stem cells for myogenic differentiation and muscle repair. Stem Cell Reviews and Reports 6: 512–522, 2010.
- Kilinc M, Gürsoy-Özdemir Y, Gürer G, Erdener SE, Erdemli E, Can A, Dalkara T. Lysosomal rupture, necroapoptotic interactions and potential crosstalk between cysteine proteases in neurons shortly after focal ischemia. Neurobiology of Disease 40: 293–302, 2010.
- Yemisci M, Gursoy-Ozdemir Y, Vural A, Can A, Topalkara K, Dalkara T. Pericyte contraction induced by oxidative-nitrative stress impairs capillary reflow despite successful opening of an occluded cerebral artery. Nature Medicine 15:1031–1037, 2009.
- Keskin E, Can A. Phylogenetic relationships among four species and a sub-species of Mullidae (Actinopterygii; Perciformes) based on mitochondrial cytochrome B, 12S rRNA and cytochrome oxidase II genes. Biochemical Systematics and Ecology 37: 653–661, 2009.
- Gürer G, Gursoy-Ozdemir Y, Erdemli E, Can A, Dalkara T. Astrocytes are more resistant to focal cerebral ischemia than neurons and die by a delayed necrosis. Brain Pathology 19: 630–641, 2009.
- Uckan D, Kilic E, Sharafi P, Kazik M, Kaya FA, Erdemli E, Can A, Tezcaner A, Kocaefe C. Adipocyte differentiation defect in mesenchymal stromal cells of patients with malignant infantile osteopetrosis. Cytotherapy 11: 392–402, 2009.
- Başarır K, Erdemli B, Can A, Erdemli E, Zeyrek T. Osseointegration in arthroplasty: can simvastatin promote bone response to implants? International Orthopaedics 33: 855–859, 2009.
- Can A. A concise review on the classification and nomenclature of stem cells. Turkish Journal of Hematology 25: 57–9, 2008.
- Çınar Ö, Can A, Oktay Semiz O. Can nocodazole be used to synchronize cell cycle? Türkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Sciences 28: 437–444, 2008.
- Can A. Haematopoietic stem cells niches: Interrelations between structure and function. Transfusion and Apheresis Science 38: 261–268, 2008.
- Karahuseyinoglu S, Kocaefe C, Balci D, Erdemli E, Can A. Functional structure of adipocytes differentiated from human umbilical cord stroma-derived stem cells. Stem Cells 28: 682–691, 2008.
- Can A. Niche concept and the hematopoietic stem cell niches. Turkish Journal of Hematology 24: 95–101, 2007.
- Can A, Karahuseyinoglu S. Concise Review: Human umbilical cord stroma with regard to the source of fetus-derived stem cells. Stem Cells 25: 2886–2895, 2007.
- Atalay B, Caner H, Can A, Cekinmez M. Attenuation of microtubule associated protein–2 degradation after mild head injury by mexilitine and calpain–2 inhibitor. British Journal of Neurosurgery 21: 281–287, 2007.
- Dartar Öztan M, Doğru Pekiner B, Can A. Permeability of latex gloves after exposure to 6 chemical agents. Quintessence International 38: 537–543, 2007.
- Karahuseyinoglu S, Cinar O, Kilic E, Kara F, Akay GG, Demiralp DÖ, Tukun A, Uckan D, Can A. Biology of the stem cells in human umbilical cord stroma: In situ and in vitro surveys. Stem Cells 25: 319–331, 2007.
- Kara F, Cinar O. Erdemli-Atabenli E, Tavil-Sabuncuoğlu B, Can A. Ultrastructural alterations in human decidua in miscarriages compared to normal pregnancy decidua. Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica 86: 1079–1086, 2007.
- Can A, O Semiz, Cinar O. Bisphenol-A induces cell cycle delay and alters centrosome and spindle microtubular organization in oocytes during meiosis. Molecular Human Reproduction 11: 389–396, 2005.
- Gürdal H, Can A, Uğur M. The role of nitric oxide synthase in reduced vasocontractile responsiveness induced by prolonged alpha-1-adrenergic receptor stimulation in rat thoracic aorta. British Journal of Pharmacology 145: 203–210, 2005.
- Erikoglu M, Yol S, Avunduk MC, Erdemli E, Can A. Electron-microscopic alterations of the peritoneum after both cold and heated carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum. Journal of Surgical Research 125: 73–7, 2005.
- Ünal-Çevik I, Kılınç M, Can A, Gürsoy-Özdemir Y, Dalkara T. Apoptotic and necrotic death mechanisms are concomitantly activated in the same cell after cerebral ischemia. Stroke 35: 2189–94, 2004.
- Caner H, Can A, Atalay B, Erdogan B, Albayrak AH, Kilinc K, Bavbek M, Altinörs N. Early effects of mild brain trauma on the cytoskeletal proteins neurofilament160 and MAP2, and the preventive effects of mexilitine. Acta Neurochirurgica (Wien) 146: 611–621, 2004.
- Gursoy-Ozdemir Y, Can A, Dalkara T. Reperfusion-induced oxidative/nitrative injury to neurovascular unit after focal cerebral ischemia. Stroke 35: 1449–53, 2004.
- Bolay H, Gürsoy-Özdemir Y, Sara Y, Onur R, Can A, Dalkara T. Persistent defect in transmitter release and synapsin phosphorylation in cerebral cortex after transient moderate ischemic injury. Stroke 33: 1369–1375, 2002.
2000 and previous years
- Can A, Sayar K, Friedman E, Ambrisio C, Erdemli E, Gurdal H. The effects of agonist stimulation and beta2-adrenegic receptor level on cellular distribution of Gs protein. Cellular Signalling 12: 303–309, 2000.
- Can A, Semiz O. Diethylstilbestrol (DES) induced cell cycle delay and meiotic spindle disruption in mouse oocytes during in vitro maturation. Molecular Human Reproduction 6: 154–162, 2000.
- Can A, Albertini DF. Stage specific effects of carbendazim (MBC) on meiotic cell cycle progression in mouse oocytes. Molecular Reproduction and Development 46: 351–362, 1997.
- Can A, Albertini DF. M-phase specific centrosome-microtubule alterations induced by the fungicide MBC in human granulosa cells. Mutation Research 373:139–151, 1997.
- Can A, Baltacı A, Tekelioğlu M. Expression of desmin and vimentin intermediate filaments in human decidual cells during first trimester pregnancy. Placenta 16: 261–275, 1995.
- Willmoth T, Williamson TL, Mummery R, Hawkes RB, Can A, Gurd JW, Gordon-Weeks PR, Beesley PW. Expression of PAC1; an epitope associated with two synapse-enriched glycoproteins and a neuronal cytoskeleton-associated polypeptide in developing forebrain neurones. Neuroscience 58: 115–129, 1994.
- Can A, Tekelioğlu M, Biberoğlu K. Structure of premenstrual endometrium in HMG+HCG induced anovulatory women. European Journal of Obstetrics Gynecolology and Reproductive Biology 42: 119–129, 1991.
Other Peer-Reviewed Articles
- Topal Çelikkan F, Yılmazer A, Güngör Ordueri NE, Can A. Kök hücre araştırmalarında ve kliniğe uyarlanmasında küresel standartlar. Uluslararası Kök Hücre Araştırmaları Derneği’nin 2016 Kılavuz’na kısa bakış. Türkiye Klinikleri J Med Ethics Law Hist-Special Topics 3: 61-73, 2017.
- Can A. Kök hücreler hakkında genel bilgi. Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Oncology-Special Topics 7: 1-6, 2014.
- Can A. Kök hücrelerin genel özellikleri, embriyonik ve yetişkin kök hücrelere genel bakış. Hematolog 4: 238-254, 2014.
- Can A. The Cell: An Image Library, CIL: 43351 and 43352. Available At http://www.cellimagelibrary.org/images?k=Alp+Can&simple_search=Search Accessed December 08, 2010.
- Yıldırım S, Balcı D, Akpınar P, Can A. Differentiation potentials of two stroma-resident tissue-specific stem cells. Niche, 1: 1-7, 2012.
- Can A. Human umbilical cord mesenchymal stem cells give promising results in cellular therapies of experimentally induced disease states. Cell and Tissue Biology Research, 2:1–7, 2009.
- Can A, Karahüseyinoğlu S. Erişkin kök hücrelerin farklanmasındaki hücresel ve moleküler mekanizmalar. Sağlıkta Birikim 1(5): 57-65, 2009.
- Can A. Embriyonik kök hücre biyolojisi. Türkiye Klinikleri Hematoloji Onkoloji, 1: 4–9, 2008.
- Akpınar G, Can G, Can A. Dental döküm alaşımlarının fibroblastların mitotik aktivitesi üzerindeki etkisi. Ankara Üniversitesi Diş Hekimliği Fakültesi Dergisi 30: 51–56, 2003.
- Semiz O, Can A. Changes in pericentrin localization during meiosis. Journal of Ankara Medical School 25, 7-14, 2003.
- Semiz O, Can A, Tekelioğlu M. Dietilstilbestrolün ovositlerde mayoz bölünmeye etkileri. Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Mecmuası 54: 117–124, 2001.
- Can A. Application of (CSLM) for the detection of mammalian oocytes. Microscopy and Analysis 44:29–30, 1996.
- Yener A, Sinci V, Can A, Yener N, Gökgöz L, Soncul H, Kaptanoğlu M. Romatizmal kapak hastalığında ameliyat esnasında eksize edilen mitral kapakların ultrastrüktürel incelenmesi. Türkiye Klinikleri Kardiyoloji Dergisi 4: 287–290, 1991.
- Barlas M, Can A, Erekul S. Miks total parenteral beslenme uygulanabilirliğinin yenidoğan Hesix civcivlerde araştırılması (invivo-invitro araştırma). Pediatrik Cerrahi Dergisi 5: 134–139, 1991.
- Can A. Using Avidin-Biotin horseradish peroxidase method for immunolabeling of Langerhans cells of skin. Ankara Tıp Bülteni 12: 325–330, 1990.
- Can A, Tekelioğlu M. Konfokal Mikroskobu: Işık mikroskobu teknolojisinde son on yıldaki en önemli gelişme. Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Mecmuası 43 (ek): 717–726, 1990.
- Can A. Anovulatuvar kadınlarda menotropin indüksiyonuyla oluşan endometriyumun premenstrüal evredeki yapısı. Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Mecmuası 43 (ek): 841–856, 1990.
- Can A, Güven C. Faz kontrast mikroskobunun idrarın mikroskobik analizindeki yeri. Ankara Üniversitesi Tıp Fakültesi Mecmuası 42: 169–176, 1989.
- Arıncı K, Şakul BU, Can A. Koroner arterler dışında bulbus aortae’den çıkan dört aksesuar arterin bir arada görüldüğü bir vaka. Optimal Tıp Dergisi 2: 72–75, 1989.
- Can A, Akbay C. Tip II pnömositlerde alveoler sürfaktanın sentezi ve salınımı (elektron mikroskopik çalışmalar). Optimal Tıp Dergisi 2: 73–76,1988.
- Gökçora İH, Can A. A contemporary approach to septic shock in children. Türkiye Klinikleri 6: 121–132, 1987.